Sunday, January 10, 2010


Disneyland was amazing. I went last thursday with Raquel Westlake, AN AMAZING GIRL! we met at ctg in June 2009, but we didn't really start talking till the end of July when we started doing lights and sound for WWTLISYW. I am soo glad God brought her into my life. She is the best friend anyone could ever have! We kind of grew apart for a while though. But we went to Disneyland last Thursday, just me and her. Katy bailed. We bonded like crazy. She's someone you can go to, in any mood and you'll feel 10x's better 5 minutes into the convo. Well on our way to disneyland was amazing. =] we sang the whole way there! and the whole way back! hahaha! my voice was gone at the end of the day.

We got to disneyland and I got to be the first one to take her to California Adventure EVER! =D that was fun! then we went to disneyland. this whole time, we never had an akward moment. There's not a whole lot of people i could go to disneyland with and not have an akward moment all day. Well she was feeling sick, so we went home. When she dropped me off at my house, she said "Love Ya." I like how she can say "Love ya" and it doesn't have to be akward or sexual like most people would probably take it. Were just good friends. Amazing friends now. and i can honestly say, "I Love Ya Too Raquel."

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