Sunday, January 24, 2010

BACKOFF! it's my puzzle!

So. I LOVE PUZZLES. period. They are so relaxing, and give me time to think.
and what I have realized in the time that i've been working on my most recent puzzle, is that i am a very independent person. I like my alone time. Where i can just sit. relax. think.
I like when I can just be alone and sing to myself or whatever. and
doing my puzzle.

I've realized that I really hate asking people for help. I usually try to figure it out on my own, or I will ask someone. But that's only when i'm feeling lazy or totally confused. I like painting, and playing the piano. and
doing my puzzle.

I love being with people! don't get my wrong! I'm not one of those freaks who never come out of their room. I Love going out and talking and having dinner with people or whatever. Or going on vacations and adventures to the mall or Disneyland. going to theatre is soooo much fun! =D but I love
doing my puzzle.

Independent. that's Me.

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