Wednesday, December 30, 2009


There's this girl i know... talented, beautiful, inspirational, a life-saver, smart, outgoing, creative, thoughtful, she is truely amazing. It hurts me sooo much when shes mad at me. She has so much influence on sooo many people that i don't think she realizes sometimes. I just wish she could step into someone she's touched shoes and see how much she means to them. So many people look up to her and want to be like her. I just wish she knew how much she means to me.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Friends are hard to find sometimes.... a true friend? nearly impossible...
i've found my true friend... and we're nothing alike? its the wierdest things... were practically oppisites. Yet, we can hang out for ours and never get bored or have an akward moment?
we can talk for ours? i don't know how? but we do. She is the girl i would die for. shes all i have.

i have a couple of friends that aren't friends i would tell everything to? but still good friends. but in the past, i've put this fake smile on to try to make friends and finally feel like i fit in here. but, i don't know if i do? i know i'll have a place in heaven. i know it. but here? all i have is my one true friend. maybe in the future? i'll make some more really good friends! but when im auround people here, i just feel so akward? i don't know how to act and move and talk. and it drives me crazy! all day im pushing, fighting, clawing to get through this wall that holds me back from just relaxing and enjoying being with people! but i don't know if i ever can? maybe i'll be living with it for the rest of my life. I hope someone can see past it like my friend can. For now? i guess i just need to keep fighting.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


ok... first of all? i have NO clue what i'm doing. =] so if this is super-lame? sorry... =]
so first off, a little about me. i'm a guy. 6'1''. Dirty-Blonde. Hazel eyes. Size 12 feet. 145 pounds. Skinny. Artistic. Quiet. Christian. Happy. Thinker. yaa... hahaha
So today i went to lunch with some old friends at kyoto sushi. They were old friends from Cinderella; Raquel, Kelly, Katie, Maggie, and Caroline. It was AMAZIng catching up with them and just talking about anything and everything! i miss seeing them all the time and talking to them. they're all so easy to talk to and are always there for me. This Blog Is Lame... btw... hahaha! umm yaa... so we went to starbucks and saw this guy with a HHHUUUGGGGEEEE wart on his face! and we saw this old CREEPER that had long, gray, frizzy hair that walked over to someone car and hopped inside with this mom and little kid... we were laughing so hard? hahaha! then these 2 girls with mcdonalds came walking out of corner bakery? random? and then the dad was in starbucks and he had black slicked back hair.......... random family? hahaha! well yaa... then we went to menchies! =] and we had yogurt! can you say fatties? yupp! that was us... hhahaha! then me and Kelly went racing over to Valencia mac. we got there at 5:53 and we went inside and the guy said it was a 15 minute thing? so they couldn't do it... she has to go back on monday now? cause they guy is a jerk and wouldn't stay open an extra 10 minutes to help... so WOW Valencia Mac... wow... well we left pissed... hahaa! and Kelly brought me home. Now i'm home... bored... ping pong was fun though! me and my momma played for a while! i beat her... no matter what she says...
sooo i'm done... ts lame... i can see... well i'll try again later... thanks for reading! =]